
Company Introduction

Company Overview Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management

글로벌 파트너 코아비스가 함께 합니다.

  • Conflict

  • We, COAVIS will try not to include Conflict Minerals associated with the armed forces of conflict countries in the supply chain for our production.

    ㆍTo exercise due diligence with relevant suppliers consistent with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas and encourage our suppliers to do likewise with their suppliers.

    ㆍTo provide, and expect our suppliers to cooperate in providing, due diligence information to confirm the tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold and Cobalt in our supply-chain are “conflict free”.

    ㆍTo require the use of the minerals received from a company that complies with human rights and environmental standards for suppliers.

    ㆍTo commit to transparency in the implementation of this policy by making available reports on our progress to relevant stakeholders and the public.

    We, COAVIS propagates our conflict minerals policy to suppliers and requires that all suppliers will be aware of the conflict minerals laws and apply and comply them in the sub-supply chain.

    ㆍHave a documented conflict mineral policy and procedures to ensure that all products supplied to COAVIS do not contain conflict minerals from the Covered Countries that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in those Covered Countries.

    ㆍIdentify through reasonable efforts all smelters that supply conflict minerals in their supply chain

    ㆍSubmit a complete Form containing conflict minerals information in a timely manner to COAVIS

    ㆍCorrect promptly any risk identified in their supply chain.

    ㆍIf the supplier does not cure or cannot provide proper documentation evidencing a change in the sourcing of conflicts minerals, or is found to have provided false records or information at any time, COAVIS may terminate its business with that supplier.